Yesterday we went to Dyrehavsbakken. It is the oldest amusement park in the world and the most entertaining in Denmark - with a tradition stretching back 425 years. Dyrehavsbakken is located in the most attractive countryside area near Copenhagen, about 10 mins drive from our house.
The 1st time we went there was in October last year and the park was closed...salah season! hehe..The park is packed with rides of all kinds - some fast and furious, turning the world upside-down, and others more sedate - ideal for youngest visitors. Alah2 fun fair lah in SG..
The entrance...
Danish was so moody..refused to sit in his stroller..kena forced tengok muka cramp.
Look at those colorful balloons..hmmm it ranges from 50 kr to 150 kr..hmmm..nak beli ke?
Hubby and Danish..mood Danish dah ok sikit..
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