Yesterday was grocery shopping day. So nothing interesting to update. As early as 10am we went out..had breakfast at Mac Donald at Østerbro..makan Fillet of Fish meal and then headed to Central beli barang2 dapur untuk sebulan. We were there for more than an hr maklumlah aku ni sekarang jalan dah mcm penguin..lembab..hehehe..pegi sekali 4 different take my own sweet time lah. Hubby and Danish relax dalam kereta je..bestkan dorang.
Lepas tu singgah at Aldi..alah Aldi and our apartment is about 5 mins walk aje..hubby nya turn pulak gi beli barang2..termasuklah diaper for Danish. Ibu n Danish pulak sibuk tengok2 train kat situ..his fav lah..the red S-Tog. hehehe..dia ckp..ahh..tain (train).
Balik rumah i was so tired...kemas2 barang terus relax. Hubby bawak Danish memain at playground kat courtyard. See that was all for yesterday...nothing interesting kan..anyways ni gambar Danish taken at Mac D. His new style now..amik gambar tutup mata... haha.

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