OK terpesong pulak...actually i wanna blog about last Monday..kan hubby´s birthday so he decided to invite his old mates over for lunch. Dia kata.."i nak makan2 with kawan2 lama i lah...thought of inviting them over...what say you?"..Eh..boleh aje..cuma nak masak ape eh??? Hub said..alah simple2 aje..sop ekor (heheh sop ekor lagik???), sambal telur burung, ayam percik & beehoon goreng putih..hmmm ibu dengar oklah tu..macam simple aje..ok set! So he pun calling2 lah kekawan lama dia tu..
The 3 of them selalu hang out together dulu2..before hubby got married. Now that they are bz with their own commitments, dorang jarang lah berjumpa. Yang dimaksudkan yelah..the 3 Abduls..oppsss sorry..The 3 Wise Guys..

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