Frederiksberg loppemarked is back!!!!..Yes..that is one of our fav place to go to during weekend..usually open from April till September. You basically can find anything, clothes, furnitures, tea-set and etcs...
We managed to get few stuff for Danish..great price...seriously worth it!!! OKlah we dapat snap sikit gambar je..asyik sibuk sangat tengok2 barang. hehe
Danish gelisah duduk kat stroller..dah nak meragam ni..
Actually nak snap gambar hubby yang tengah sibuk ngan maxi cosi carseat..tapi macam terhalang lak ngan lelaki botak tu..hehehe..
Sempat hubby snap gambar ibu & Danish kat tengah2 keramai org..
Ahhh clearer version.
OK dah penat borong2..terus rasa lapar..hehehe..jom hubby gi makan dulu..where? hehehe..Østerbrogade..paling dekat ngan rumah..senang nak balik pun..
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