This year the focus is on Japanese food and games, but there are also demonstrations of the Japanese martial arts and the tea-ceremony, and performances of Japanese drumming and many more..
We promised to meet our friend Sherry and Yana there...and tak sangka pulak we terserempak with more malays then we expected. hehehe terjumpa Kama family, Lin family, Dayang, Akma family and Azizul family...there were picnic-ing there...siap with nasi lemak and roti jala. hehehe..

We left at around 5 ish...feeling very tired but still pegi central market to get some grocery for tomorrow. hehehe..tomorrow nak gi mane??? Ada lah..planning to go somewhere..with the current dont want to stay indoor...seriously..enjoy the weather while you can!!!
Ok..i will blog again tomorrow if i´m not too tired lah eh..till then..tata..
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