To my dearest Ana,
On your birthday I wish you much pleasure and joy
I hope all of your wishes come true
May each hour and minute be filled with delight
And your birthday be perfect for you!
Happy Birthday sister...
Sorry lah peepz you got to tilt your head to view this video. Jangan sampai teleng eh..hahaha..nilah gara2 kerja video woman tak bertauliah langsung.
Danish practice jalan2 with ibu..still holding on to ibu´s finger though...this video taken over the wkend. Tak sangka pulak right after, Danish started to walk on his own..tapi jalan2 jatuh lah nyai and yayi. Hopefully in few days time baru betul2 stable lah.
Jom tengok bestnya Danish tidur..ni semua kerja bapak dia lah ni..aniaya je budak tengah tidur dia amik video pulak. Saje je nak dengarkan anak dia berdengkur...hahaha macam tu lah hubby bila you tidur. Sama je..anak ngan bapak. hahaha.