May 17, 2009 | By: Lynne

The aftermath

Lets look at how the wound is now...alhamdulillah the lebam2 semua dah hilang..just the tanda luka tu..dah kering and will go away in few days i hope.

Ibu told the teachers not to allow him to play at that playground again for the time being. Kasi dia main kat smaller playground aje.

Yang paling ketara luka kat dahi sebelah kiri and kat hidung tu..harap2 hilang lah in few days time.
Dah kering kan the luka..sib baik ibu cepat clean the wound and letak minyak gamat.
Ni lah dikatakan budak active..tetap tak serik still nak main slide lagik. ish ish ish..dah namanya anak lelaki kan..


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