I was out the whole morning walking around City 2. First time there and i must say the mall is much bigger than Fields. Hubby we should go there sometime. Jejalan tu termasuk H&M and as usual i will go straight to the sales section. Terspotted hue for just 10 kr. Murah giler tu..belek2 terjumpa size for Danish...terus grab lah kan..cute sangat!!! Kalau korang tak rasa cute takpe..asalkan aku rasa cute lah kan. LOL!

Anak bujangku berposing ngan new hue...

Tengok tu saje je dia nak step on the snow...dah kotor dah kasut tu..ish ish ish..saje je nak kasi extra kerja kat ibu dia.

Mesti nak jalan sendiri sekarang..

3 mins walk home jadi 10 mins with Danish. Banyak sangat stop nya...
Tomorrow's plan..to clear some of the stuff in the store room..hahaha tak habis2 aku ngan store room ku..
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