Just a small celebration at home with closed friends. Maklumlah rumah ku kecik nak jemput reramai sempit lah pulak nanti tak selesa. Jamuannya pun ala kadar aje..bihun goreng putih, cucur udang, fruit custard tart, chips & fruits. Nothing fancy pun.

Disaster with the cake..for some reason the cream at the side of the cake started to melt. Yang atas kek ok je..ishhh tension!!!

Ni aksi dia bila ibu tak kasi dia pegang the plastic knife tu..

Nasib baik lah kak Isha dapat pujuk dia..pelik tul bila kak Isha pegang knife tu ngan dia ok pulak tu..hehe

Blowing the candles..pelan sangat dia tiup sampai semua kena tolong..

Bukak presents..

Yeah Danish dapat byk presents..yang best tu dia dapat ape yang dia nak. Train set! TQ to Abg Aiman & Uncle Gomez..

Ni set yang Uncle Gomez kasik..Yang Aunty Dila kasi tu nanti baru leh bukak..yang tu besar oiiii...

Suka dia..
Thank U so so much to:-
¤ Kak Isha & Abg Irfan for the costume & Winnie the pooh madpakke set
¤ Abg Aiman & Alyssa for the train set & story book
¤ Aunty Wawa & Uncle Zizul for the 2 books
¤ Uncle Nazrul for the cars..
Thanks again for spending time with us..
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