We organised a birthday lunch cum baby shower for dear Wawa. Glad that all went well. Adila as usual is kind enough to host today event and decorated her house. Rajin sungguh minah ni kan..dia memang rajin..hehehe kena puji lebih2 ni..dah lah dia kena amik aku dari rumah pagi tadi. hahaha..

The birthday cake made by Sherry & Muna. Sungguh cantik sekali..sepadan sedondon..

The Birthday Girl..

Senyum simpul birthday girl. Enter frame pulak minah kecik si cute ni..

Aya and the gang..hehehe..

Gifts for the baby..Its a boy!!!

The guest..unfortunately Aju & Shureen couldn´t make it but still kecoh giler rumah Dila tadi. Sape yang kasi kecoh? Dah terang2 lah Aya..hehehe ibu diam je!

The diaper cake made by Adila. Sungguh creative gitu..i loike!


Sufiya & Alyssa..
Happy Birthday adikku Wawa...moga dipanjangkan umur, murah rezeki, selamat melahirkan baby yang comel, bahagia senantiasa. Amin.
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