We celebrated new year with bunch of great friends. Started at 8pm and lasted till 5 in the morning. Fuyooooo...best giler. Makanannya pun teramatlah sedap giler. Nasib baik dah makan tak giler! hehehee.
After makan2..the guys went upstairs for their karaoke session while the ladies busy downstairs organising games for the kids and of course; our never ending photo session..snap snap snap..

Yang the back row tu terover sikit..siap ngan mask semua.

our kids...cute2 semua..

Puan Sri Aya with yours truly..

With the host..amaciam leh tahan ke pakai mask tu..hehehehe..

Jah & Aya..

Wawa yang dah sarat tu...tapi tetap cool je..Ni ngah nak buat belon..bermacam2 bentuk.

Khusyuk semua..

Cowboy kah??

Maintain cool...

Isha & Sofea..
Alhamdulillah Danish behaved very well cuma he was very terrified masa fireworks tu. Gambar2 fireworks will be uploaded later. Am still waiting pics from Aju.
It was an amazing nite..full of fun!!! We really enjoyed ourselves.
Thanks Adila for hosting the New Year Party. Thumbs UP!!!
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