For those who are not aware of the situation, I was being admitted to hospital yesterday after a routine visit to the midwife, scanning and appointment with gynae. I was out of the house as early as 9..sent Danish to vuggestue and off to the hospital. Thought it would be done by midday but i was wrong.
I was shocked when the gynae told me that i have to be admitted because they found that there isnt enough fluid surrounding baby and to prevent for any infection i should be on drip.
So here is the story, according to the doctor there is possibility that adik will be born prematurely on week 34. Yes that is in 2 weeks time so doctor gave me an injection to help the baby´s lungs to mature. I am supposed to be staying in the hospital til I am 34 weeks but i opted to go home. Kesian Danish kan. Doctor agrees but i have to have a good rest aje and i have to go for another checkup & scan on Monday to see the water level. If it still the same then i will be induce the following week. For the time being i was told to just be prepared.
OK dah..thats the story. Nak prepare the hospital bag.hehehe..
Pray for me ok...
Babe,rest cukup2 dan jaga diri, aku selalu doakan kau ye! hehehe...dalam hati ni tak sabo gek nak tunggu baby!
Memang tak sabar actually tapi dengar premature menakutkan jugak. Dengar2 kalau kena induce lagi sakit giler. Takpelah tawakal aje lah. Thanks babe for your doa.
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