Cum tomorrow i will be pretty busy..busy and busy..
- Busy cleaning the house especially Danish´s room and kitchen.
- Busy making sure takde byk kain kotor. Basuh, lipat, jemur kain.
- Busy mengemas almari.
- Busy revising for my evaluation test on Monday.
- Busy preparing for my rødebog presentation too.
OKla if you see the list above tak lah busy sangat kan..but with my current condition ni kira buat kerja slow and steady lah..thats y i have to start from tomorrow. Reason being we have in-house guest on Saturday and hubby just got a phone call tadik, one of his old friend is coming over to CPH too also on Saturday..so we will have 2 guests lah. But of obviously cuma 1 je in-house. hehehe..limited space katakan.
Hmmm nak masak ape nak masak ape for Saturday..ideas anyone???
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