Rushing day for me the morning after sending off Danish to vuggestue, i prepared spring roll and karipap cos today we will be attending Sommerfest at Danish´s school. 1st time so macam over excited lah kan, new experience for us. Once dah siap masuk dlm fridge so nak pegi senang kan tinggal goreng aje.
After that, ibu rushed gi jumpa kak Effa to get birthday present for kak Ros before meeting yana and birthday girl at 1pm. At last we settled on MNG sling bag for kak Ros. Glad she likes it. As usual ibu terlupa camera. takde gambar lunch with my dearest ladies. Next time lah ye..
Ok now lets layan gambar2 from Danish´s tapi penat kejar Danish. Ni baru balik terus upload gambar2.

Sampai je dia terus main ni..

Ahhh..mama cookie if nak tau ni lah the girl yang bubu kata tu..yang suka hug and kiss Danish. Her name Emilia.

Nape pulak eh bapak amik gambar candid ngan muka ibu gitu???

Because of the bad weather, the sommerfest terpaksalah dibuat indoor aje but still fun lah..get to know ramai parents.

The food spread..each parents have to bring 1 dish..tak kiralah ape.

Ahhh ni lah yang we bawak..karipap and spring roll. Sungguh tak sangka...habis semuanya. Alhamdulillah..

Danish ni macam tak tau erti penat..keliling satu vuggestue..yang penat ibu and bapak.

Huh beratur nak amik makan. Tak semua halal at the end we ate roti, roti and roti..hehehe..with potato and salad.

Dia ngah nak meragam nak makan sendiri...

Ok happy balik cos dpt minum sendiri. hahaha..
The sommerfest was from 1730 to 2000 hrs. It was a tiring day for me but nevertheless a fun one too..ok now time to rest...ciao people.
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