Danish will start the day in the vuggestue from 0815 to 1600 hrs. He will have his rythmic (singing & dancing) with his friends at 0900 and follow with light refreshment..yogurt, milk and fruits. At 1000 hrs is their morning playtime and 1100 lunch time. Lepas tu sleeping time from 1200 to 1400 hrs..
1400 hrs kira their learning time lah..baca buku ke, play bricks and etc. 1500 hrs tea time..consists of bread, cheese, fruits and milk. 1530 hrs outdoor activities again and waiting for parents to fetch.. Tu lah routine Danish.
Photos below taken when he was playing in the morning..ape lagik main pasir and panjat2.

Senyum tutup mata..ish

Danish and Caroline..huh kat tangga ni lah yang Danish terjatuh tu..
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