Received a call from Rigshospitalet this morning and was told to come for scanning on Wednesday at 1615 hrs..well prepared. Yes..the doctor will make his decision on Wednesday after the scanning.
So i have packed my hospital bag. I´m still hoping that everything will turn out normal..but if doc decided its best to induce then theres nothing we can do really.
For those yang smses, msn and call, thank u peepz for your concern. I am fine really and starting my summer course tomorrow. hehehee..masih sempat nak gi summer course eh.
Anyways Pray for me ok..
June 29, 2009
Congratulations Akma & Hariz...
June 28, 2009
Izz Danish lagi..
June 27, 2009
Morning playtime..
Danish will start the day in the vuggestue from 0815 to 1600 hrs. He will have his rythmic (singing & dancing) with his friends at 0900 and follow with light refreshment..yogurt, milk and fruits. At 1000 hrs is their morning playtime and 1100 lunch time. Lepas tu sleeping time from 1200 to 1400 hrs..
1400 hrs kira their learning time lah..baca buku ke, play bricks and etc. 1500 hrs tea time..consists of bread, cheese, fruits and milk. 1530 hrs outdoor activities again and waiting for parents to fetch.. Tu lah routine Danish.
Photos below taken when he was playing in the morning..ape lagik main pasir and panjat2.

1400 hrs kira their learning time lah..baca buku ke, play bricks and etc. 1500 hrs tea time..consists of bread, cheese, fruits and milk. 1530 hrs outdoor activities again and waiting for parents to fetch.. Tu lah routine Danish.
Photos below taken when he was playing in the morning..ape lagik main pasir and panjat2.

School tour..
On Monday 8th June, Danish went to the forest...his 1st school tour. One of the parents have to tag along..and unfortunately ibu had an evaluation test on that day so bapak took leave to accompany Danish. Kesian bapak, he was the only dad around.
As usual each time masuk forest, Danish wont feel comfortable at all. So he was very cranky but after lunch he was ok..
At Nordhavn S-tog..
As usual each time masuk forest, Danish wont feel comfortable at all. So he was very cranky but after lunch he was ok..

June 26, 2009
Update on Adik..

For those who are not aware of the situation, I was being admitted to hospital yesterday after a routine visit to the midwife, scanning and appointment with gynae. I was out of the house as early as 9..sent Danish to vuggestue and off to the hospital. Thought it would be done by midday but i was wrong.
I was shocked when the gynae told me that i have to be admitted because they found that there isnt enough fluid surrounding baby and to prevent for any infection i should be on drip.
So here is the story, according to the doctor there is possibility that adik will be born prematurely on week 34. Yes that is in 2 weeks time so doctor gave me an injection to help the baby´s lungs to mature. I am supposed to be staying in the hospital til I am 34 weeks but i opted to go home. Kesian Danish kan. Doctor agrees but i have to have a good rest aje and i have to go for another checkup & scan on Monday to see the water level. If it still the same then i will be induce the following week. For the time being i was told to just be prepared.
OK dah..thats the story. Nak prepare the hospital bag.hehehe..
Pray for me ok...
Images of Izz Danish..
We received numbers of photos from Danish´s teacher today. We can choose as many photos as possible out of 300 photos in the USB. hehehe byk giler. All photos taken in school or outdoor tour/activites. So i posted sikit dulu lah ok...
Danish muka cramp...

June 24, 2009
A treat from big boss..
June 22, 2009
Happy Birthday brother...

Happy 16th Birthday to my youngest brother, Sazwandy Samawi. May all your wishes come true, study hard for the exam..a stressful year i guess!!!!..Hope you will do well, jangan asyik main game aje!!! hahaha..
Dengar2 dapat Adidas boots color Orange ke??? Wah...confirm happy giler...
Will always Love you brother...
Bazaar at Indonesian Embassy
We went to Indonesian Embassy yesterday...ada bazaar. 1st time pegi bazaar dorang. The best thing is dapat makan authentic nasi padang, satay jawa and macam2 kuih muih Indon.
We met Poji family, Kak Siti and Abg Herman and hubby jumpa with all his old friends. Siap ckp lagik dulu2 selalu lepak2 ngan mat2 Indon tu semua. hehehe..masa dulu2..bujang2.
As usual ibu didnt snap many photos sebab bz menjamu selera and berkejaran ngan Danish. Last2 bapak kata makan dlm kereta aje. hehehe..cian eh..bapak tak sanggup nak kejar Danish dah..berpeluh2!!!
Masa on the way there... lah warung nasi padang. Hubby kata makcik ni tiap2 tahun niaga nasi padang time bazaar. And dia dah kenal makcik ni dah bertahun2. Nampak tak tipin merah yang makcik pegang, huh if nak tau..tu kitaorg punya..siap bawak tipin ok..standby incase tak leh makan kat sana kan dengan tenteramnya. Memang betul pun..last2 makan dlm kereta.
We met Poji family, Kak Siti and Abg Herman and hubby jumpa with all his old friends. Siap ckp lagik dulu2 selalu lepak2 ngan mat2 Indon tu semua. hehehe..masa dulu2..bujang2.
As usual ibu didnt snap many photos sebab bz menjamu selera and berkejaran ngan Danish. Last2 bapak kata makan dlm kereta aje. hehehe..cian eh..bapak tak sanggup nak kejar Danish dah..berpeluh2!!!

June 21, 2009
Happy Father´s Day..
“Any man can be a father, but it takes a special person to be a dad”
Happy Father´s Day to my lovely hubby, my forever cool and patient dad and to my father in law...
(PS:- semua gambar lama..saje je..)
Taken last year..masa sightseeing with in laws.
Happy Father´s Day to my lovely hubby, my forever cool and patient dad and to my father in law...
(PS:- semua gambar lama..saje je..)

June 19, 2009
Lunch at Islands Brygge...
I have a lunch date today..yes with the lovely ladies..but too bad not all can make it nevertheless we tetap have fun..makan-makan, bebual, ketawa...hehehe..kekenyangan...
The food spread - Nasi jagung, ayam masak merah, paceri, dalca, hummus, acar buah..yummy!!!
Us the guest...Izah, myself, my friend Jasmin and her son..Daniel.

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