As usual there are days when ibu is extremely rajin and there are days when malas melanda.
On Monday masak simple2 aje..reason being balik school dah kul 3 pm (ALASAN!!! ahaks) so i cooked ikan sambal aje. Tuesday just buat roti john (hehehe lagi terover simple kan). Wednesday supposed to balik kul 3pm jugak but because the lab will be used for examination, so kena balik siang..jadi rajin sikit so masak ayam percik MIL style (lauk fav big boss).

Ni rupa ayam percik my MIL style..setelah keluar from oven.

Yesterday we went out for dinner but before that ibu managed to buat bubur cha cha letak ape yang available at home i.e. cha cha, keledek and pisang aje.

Today..terlebih rajin. Balik from Fullhouse, Central and after singgah rumah Sherry jap, terus masuk dapur masak. Menu for today...hmm...Sambal goreng (sendiri rasa nak makan) and Ikan sweet n sour (hubby request).
After this nak masak inti kentang lak..for tomorrow..yeah..hopefully the weather is good tomorrow..cos we are planning for picnic.
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