I was shocked when i went to pick him up at vuggestue just now. He looked so sad couldnt play ard with his friends. When i noticed his forehead and nose baru i realised he had a fall this morning. The teacher told me D jatuh tangga.
D memang suka sangat turun naik tangga slide tu..harap2 ni dia serik lah dah..kesian tengok dia..bertanda2 dahi and hidung.

Ni nangis bukan cos sakit ok..ni pasal dia tak dpt main playground kat courtyard.

Can you see the lebam?

Kesian lah anak ibu ni..

Another close up..

Harap the tanda2 will go away fast. Nanti ada yang ingat daku dera anak lak. ish ish ish..dijauhkan.
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