We woke up as early as 0530 hrs..no no no..dont think we purposely bangun so early ok just to go to loppe. Ni gara2 Danish bangun cepat sangat nari. So since dah woke up that early, i decided to prepare breakfast yang simple2 aje..today macam terasa nak makan epok2 sardine pulak...tak susah lah kan..simple aje..less than 30 mins dah siap dah..

We didn´t buy much at loppe today..both loppe at Østerbro is a let down. As for Frederiksberg, too crowded unlike the past weeks..sungguh memeningkan kepala. We bought hat and story book for Danish and terus headed to Central, beli ikan.
I prefer my freezer penuh sesak..sesak with what??? With ayam, daging cincang, daging lembu, lamb, ikan, udang, sotong, sausages, crab stick, fish tofu, popiah skin, wanton skin..huh semua ada..so if time to cook senang semua ada. Leceh if baru nak gi kedai beli..kalau central tu dekat takpelah jugak..
Balik central our stomach dah keroncong..so hubby kata masak simple2 aje. So since i dah marinate lamb so grill aje senang kan..so here is our lunch for today..senang banget!!!
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