Cleaning up my folder and i spotted gambar was taken at rigshospitalet when Danish was 15 days old. Look at his left hand..kena sarung gitu sekali..siap ada needles attached to it.
Banyak dugaan right after Danish was born but I strongly believed kata orang tua2...nanti dah besar dia senangkan kita..insyaallah.

Tak sampai hati tengok dia kena amik darah 6 tubes in the morning and 6 tubes at night for almost 2 weeks..but im glad semuanya dah ok now.

Kecik je anak ku ini kan. hehee..lost weight dia..gara2 kena amik darah je.
I´m praying that adik wont have to go through the same process or feel the same way macam abang dia. It is too painful...
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