April 29, 2009 | By: Lynne

Biscuit Suji ku..

Selamat Hari Raya??? Eh no lah..doesn´t mean you bake biscuits during raya season aje kan. Today macam rajin sikit and since i feel like eating suji and all the ingredients are available..so why not..rajin2 kan diri.

Suji is one of my fav biscuits and a must have during raya apart from pineapple tart of course. Dengar2 ada orang SG yang miss my pineapple tarts ke??? "winks to Ana". hahaha..

Baru keluar dari oven..
Dah siap susun inside the container.

It really reminds me of our small business few years ago. We had orders from our regular customers every raya season. My mum and myself will be busy during fasting month baking pineapple tarts, assorted biscuits, kek lapis, kek gulung and etc. Miss those days..
Mak, adik teringat kat kek lapis blueberry mak ah..yang macam bentuk minang kabau tu..sedap giler!!!


Juliana J said...

ok lah besok buat.
nagasari kita pun dah habis

Juliana J said...

by the way, you sure you missed those days?
the days leading to raya you're so busy, it wasn't that fun then.
anyway, baik baik bukak api kat sana.
jangan rambut jadi macam johnny bravo lagi.

Lynne said...

hej...ape johnny bravo??? ya lor..teringat eh..year 2003..ish ish ish..incident yg tak dpt dilupakan..hilang bulu kering ku.

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