We went to a fellow Singaporean house; Kak Yati in Trelleborg, Sweden yesterday. We decided to take the train and bus there. It was so much fun. Sesekali turun naik train and bus memang fun giler, wa cakap lu. More fun bila yang pergi semua yang best kakis.

The rest departed from HovedbanegĂ„rden whereas we decided to depart from Ăsterport since it is the nearest station. Danish especially was so excited and happy when we took the train. Yang bestnya both kids tak meragam. Ibu suka suka suka..

The guys (the bapak2)..Lars (Kak Yati's husband), Haizan and dear hubby ku. Entah apa yang dorang bincangkan pun tak tau..investment agaknya. hahhaa..

The ladies (kaum ibu). The food spread masyaallah punya lah banyak and obviously sedap teramat. Nasi minyak, daging briyani, ayam merah, udang masala and acar timun. Sedappppppppppppppp....and the dessert; marble muffin, banana cake and tiramisu. The tiramisu memang mavelous to the max. Specially made by Lars. Sedapppppppppppp...

Us on our way to the bus stop. The bus is once every hour so timing must be right. Kelam kabut lah jugak nak siapkan the two kids ni.
Our journey home took nearly 3 hours but it was so much fun. Terima kasih tuan and puan rumah kerana menjemput kami. Jumpa lagi...
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