I purposely didn't send the kids to school today because i have plan to bring them out. Pushing the twins buggy with approximately 27 kg of weight (kids alone) can be quite an exercise. But well..i am happy so long as the kids are happy. Off we went to Hellerup by train. Yes, Danish sure enjoyed his short ride (just 2 station away..hehe).

At Nordhavn station while waiting for the train. Look at his expression..adik as usual maintain sayu. lol

Lunch time - Sushi! yummy yummy..she finished up the whole bowl.

Danish & Sufiya having lunch.

Adik and baby..suka dia main with this. Hubby, we should get one for her. I know i know..i left hers in Singapore. lol. *slap forehead*

They both dozed off even before we reached Hellerup station. Too tired i guess..it was raining when we left Sherry's house. Apa2 pun we selamat sampai ke rumah..it was a fun day afterall. Blessed!
Time-check, 0029 hrs now and i am still wide awake and updating the blog while doing some revision. Too much caffeinated!!!!
Have a great weekend peepz...
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