Mr hubby is on leave since yesterday so that we can spend time together without the kids. hehehee. So, after sending off the kids to school, we headed to Cut N Cool at Nørreport cos ibu wanted to have a new refreshing look. I definitely love my new hairdo..thanks hubby.
From there, hubby cakap terasa nak makan mussels ala mengidam pulak so he made a stop at Fullhouse. We bought fresh mussels, fresh fish and few other stuff. Alang2 kat kat situ kan apa lagi beli aje lah. hehe

Tu dia ngah beli mussels and fish.

Having Mango Tango at JuiceMania after penat jalan2..

Our lunch...Just thai buffet.

My plate..masyaallah punya lah banyak..kekenyangan..sib baik hubby tolong habiskan the nasi. hahaha...
Our simple date..what matters, we spend time together. Muacks.
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