December 30, 2010
Risengrød aka rice pudding, a dish made from rice and milk and served with sprinkle of cinnamon sugar and butter. The kids love it.
When used as a dessert, it is commonly combined with a sweetener eg hot cherry sauce.

Yum yum....

Closed up...sedap bubu!!!
Risengrød easy and quick to prepare and most importantly yummilicous.
December 28, 2010

My kids were so excited to see the snow (macam first time pulak nampak!). Lil pumpkin said bu..sit sit, pointing at the window. Lil hero said see bubu...sne..meget sne!!! Kecoh betul kan bebudak ni..but layanz aje lah.
It was really cold yesterday and i was too lazy to go anywhere. Lazy to push the twins buggy around and lazy to put on the winter gear. Lazy lazy we stayed indoor. Cian the kids..
December 27, 2010
Alhamdulillah segala puji-pujian bagi ALLAH. We are grateful to YOU.
Such a nice song by Maher Zain.
To my Hubby - Congrats and syukur Alhamdulillah.

Selamat pagi, Good morning and God morgen to everyone. It's the last week of Juleferie (Christmas Holiday) here in Denmark. I am enjoying it with the kids before going back to school next week. huhuhu..
This morning, ibu decided to make murtabak sardine using the leftovers from much as possible i will try not to waste any foods. As Gordon Ramsey's says, 'Nothing is wasted in my kitchen'.
So jemputz semua...
December 26, 2010

I am thinking whether or not to join and open a stand for the kids loppemarked scheduled on 23 January at Østerbrohuset, just 2 mins away from my place. It is a good idea to sell off the kids old clothes, toys, accessories and etc. Hmmm...thinking cap ON.
What is today's menu? A simple grilled/baked lemon chicken with black pepper sauce, potatoes and salad. Insya'allah.
Another PJ Day? I don't think so...
For now, i leave you guys with this - "Avoid jealousy, for it destroys good deeds as fire destroys wood" (Riyadh-us-Salahin No. 1569)
December 25, 2010
As we all know that glaciers are made up of snow that accumulates and eventually turns to ice (like in the mountains). But look at the pictures below...snow turns to ice at the rooftop. For safety purposes, the building maintenance has decided to block the area from pedestrians.

see below pic - a much clearer shot.

Imagine if it fell on you..ishhhh diperjauhkan..
The roads is still very icy and there is still no sign of snowplow around. Very dangerous indeed. So till then, drive carefully peepz. *smile*
Despite the crappy forecast we have such a beautiful saturday morning. After snowing and gloomy weather for several days, finally the sun is out this morning although it's still pretty at 1200 hrs, the temperature is -8 deg. brrrrrrr...
Start the day with our yummy breakfast...Laksa and mee goreng instant. How about the kids? Ohh well...cereals for them...(",)

Homemade laksa nyonya for Mr Hubby. Balance from yesterday's dinner.
(Recipe from - worth trying it!

Mee goreng instant for ibu (courtesy from Aya). Thank you so much Puan Sri Aya.
Well today another PJ (pyjamas) day. Feeling extremely lazy to walk ard...ok time to cook..what is today's menu??? Ox-Tail soup with potatoes. insyallah.
December 24, 2010

To all my friends who are celebrating...Wishing you a Merry Christmas and may this festival bring abundant joy and happines in your life!
December 23, 2010

She is well but not too well. hehee apa dahhh ibu bebual ni. She vomitted twice yesterday in Vuggestuen as well as at home. AND today she is having diarrhea...makan poot poot..makan poot poot..cian dia but the good thing is she still wants to play around and always smiling. Get well soon my pretty angel.
Jom tengok our menu for today..orang kata the simplest food taste the best. hahhaa..

Fried French beans with prawns and eggs.

Eggs in soya sauce with bird's eye cili.
Jemput makan semua..
Kids today are growing way too fast. Danish is turning 3 next month and Sofea is 16 months now.

His much taller now..

Future gymnast..hehe
They grow up so fast and we definitely want to make the most of these precious years and cherish all the moments.
Julegaver til mor & far (Xmas present for ibu & bapak)..below are julegaver that the kids made in their school with their teacher's guidance, of course.

Fra Sofea (from Sofea)

Fra Danish (From Danish)

Tadaaaaa....their handcraft cute and so so sweet. Thank you so much darlings...ibu and bapak love you both endlessly..
It's normal here that the kids will bring home julegaver for their parents during Xmas time. It's nothing on religion thingy just more to tradition wise. *peace*
Unusual cold winter has gripped Denmark this year and snowstorm is expected today and tomorrow. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr....stay warm. Here are some pictures taken over the weekend. We went sledding with the kids at Fælledparken, about 5 mins drive from our place.

Beautiful yet so cold..

Ready set gooooo....

The kiddos..full gear!
With the kids just started their Juleferie till 2nd January, ibu will be preoccupied at home with them. AND with this kind of weather, the best is stay indoor and snuggling around. hehehee...PJ day today!!!! another excuse not to have an early shower. *winks*
October 31, 2010
Went to Kongens Have yesterday...beautiful weather, beautiful surrounding...falling leaves everywhere..thats the beauty of Autumn!

Come adik lets play ball.

My model kecik..
Adik and abang tergolek2..
More photos will be uploaded in my Fb account.
October 29, 2010

When i was doing my homework, adik pun sibuk nak pen and paper. Sofea memang busy selalu..she likes to copycat us. So kena hati2 bila depan dia. hehehe..clever adik kan kan kan.
October 23, 2010
While browsing through føtex reklamer, he saw this decorative pillow and immediately he asked for it. Yeah..decorative pillow bentuk guitar. Heehehehe...alah for just 30 kr..why not get one for him kan kan kan. So off ibu to føtex right after workout just to get this for him..

Here it is...a present for you sayang...

Ada gaya tak? hehehee..boleh lah Danish so long you are happy..ibu and bapak pun happy.
Next few posted will be on our dearest princess pulak stay tune..
October 22, 2010
Danish was so happy when i told him Aunty Sherry gave him a present.
"Yes bubu...see bubu..der bamses..bamses and kylling..TAK!" that was what he said as soon as he opened the paper bag. hehehe..happy giler dia dapat dvd Bamses from Aunty Sherry.

Senyum mak lipat

His way of doing PEACE!

Apa lagi..time to watch the dvd lah nampaknya..both of them duduk diam khusyuk tengok dvd tu..
Thanks again dear Sherry...
October 21, 2010
Khas buat tatapan keluarga yang without FB account..
Ni Danish & Sofea latest pics...taken just now otw home from vuggestuen..

"Der kommer tog, bubu"...Danish as always so excited when he sees the train..hehee..
More pictures coming up soon...
Just click on the play should be able to view the video.
September 25, 2010
Raya at Brønshøj last Sunday. It was great to see the kids playing together..and we promised to come again sometime in summer...insya'allah.

Danish, Syahmi & Luke.

The ladies..Ibu, Akmar, Mel & Shureen.
Simple but great Sunday.
Apa yang ketat sendat??? Baju kebaya si minah kecik ni..yes masa beli tu kira ok jugak lah dia pakai..sekali on hari raya ke-2 tu..punya lah seksa nak button up the kebaya. At the end of the day, tercabut jugak si butang tu...

Cantik bergaya tak cik adik & cik abang ni???

Happy dapat makan cake birthday..
September 23, 2010
Adik has started to walk..just few steps at a time..

Macam gaya nak bukak silat pun ada adik oiii..

Abang bergaya with his new baju...PAP eh abang???
September 21, 2010
Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri, maaf zahir & batin dari kami sekeluarga.

The one and only family photo..hehe pathetic

candid shot

Sweetness. Danish ckp "Amat ali Aye"
Picture taken at Zurich airport family service room.

Nasib baik ada room ni..tak lah boring the kids.

Alhamdulillah we arrived safely in Copenhagen on 17 August at 1200 hrs.
The day that we were hoping it never came...the day that we had to bid farewell to our beloved family. It was a sad moment after we have had such an amazing 2 months in Singapore. BUT we have to face the has to go on...and praying and hoping that we will meet up again next year, insya'allah.

She is so attached to her yayi...and I'm sure yayi will miss her deeply too.

Sofea and mak mah...terima kasih mak mah antar kita org ke airport dah malam2 ni.

Sofea and uncle chubby..

My darling this point he didnt know that he will be leaving SG and away from his beloved uncle. Kesian dia..till now he will keep saying take flyvemaskine see uncle. If only you understand my dear, we are miles and miles away from uncle.
Till we meet again guys...insya'allah.
August 05, 2010
Had dinner with hubby's friend Dharmadi and family at Jurong West. Tersangatlah banyak the food..and obviously semua yummy...

Hotplate beancurd.


Ayam ala Indonesia.

Cereal prawn.
(gambar ikan pari bakar and ikan sweet n sour, chapchai, nasi goreng cina..tak sempat pulak ibu nak snap gambar.) dia yang 'open table' semalam...encik Dharmadi. Terima kasih lah ye...