Despite the crappy forecast we have such a beautiful saturday morning. After snowing and gloomy weather for several days, finally the sun is out this morning although it's still pretty at 1200 hrs, the temperature is -8 deg. brrrrrrr...
Start the day with our yummy breakfast...Laksa and mee goreng instant. How about the kids? Ohh well...cereals for them...(",)

Homemade laksa nyonya for Mr Hubby. Balance from yesterday's dinner.
(Recipe from - worth trying it!

Mee goreng instant for ibu (courtesy from Aya). Thank you so much Puan Sri Aya.
Well today another PJ (pyjamas) day. Feeling extremely lazy to walk ard...ok time to cook..what is today's menu??? Ox-Tail soup with potatoes. insyallah.
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