The day that we were hoping it never came...the day that we had to bid farewell to our beloved family. It was a sad moment after we have had such an amazing 2 months in Singapore. BUT we have to face the has to go on...and praying and hoping that we will meet up again next year, insya'allah.

She is so attached to her yayi...and I'm sure yayi will miss her deeply too.

Sofea and mak mah...terima kasih mak mah antar kita org ke airport dah malam2 ni.

Sofea and uncle chubby..

My darling this point he didnt know that he will be leaving SG and away from his beloved uncle. Kesian dia..till now he will keep saying take flyvemaskine see uncle. If only you understand my dear, we are miles and miles away from uncle.
Till we meet again guys...insya'allah.
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