Roti sosej for our breakfast on a beautiful sunday morning. Indeed such a lovely day more winter jackets or boots...just light jacket on. Yeeehaaaaa...happy puppy!!! At first i thought its gonna be tough to pintal2 the roti sosej ni..but alhamdulillah tak lah susah sangat..akhirnya berjaya jugak eventhough not perfect but one is perfect in this world ok!!! Kira for first timer memintal roti ni kira acceptable lah yeeee...

Fresh from the oven..simply yummylicious.

Waiting to be baked.
"Dalam apa jua yang kita lakukan mesti ada keikhlasan and insyaallah akan terhasil la sepertimana yang kita inginkan." amaciam ok tak ayat ibu tu..ok aje lah ye..
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