good shopping mood. hehehe and guess who was the lucky one? Yes it's ME!!!! Thank you so much for the Viking gummi boots and fab dress and not forgetting our delicious lunch. I simply love 'em and of course i love you even more. muahahahaha..*sape baca jangan nak muntah ok*. LOL
On our way home we made a stop at Fullhouse to get fresh mussels. Thai style stir fried mussels and basil for our dinner. Really easy to make, all you need is garlic, red chilies, green chilies, oyster sauce, basilikum, mussels, water, sugar and salt. Tralalalalala..and it's ready but make sure you wash mussels properly.
Time is 22.27. Time to sleep...and i leave you all with this quote...good nite all. Sleep tite.
*The future depends on what we do in the present* - Mahatma Gandhi.
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