We had a real simple new year's eve celebration. We decided to spend it jus the 4 of us. We started off by watching Queen Margrethe's new year message.

Dronningens nytårstale 2010 (Queen's New Year Speech 2010)

Our dinner was simple, hearty and perfect for a new year's eve - indbagt oksemørbrad (baked beef tenderloin) with mushroom sauce and baked/boiled vegetables.

He was so happy when Mr Hubby gave him the kid's party set.

Bonding time with little princess.

AND she was too tired to wait till the fireworks...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..
It was karaoke time for ibu and hubby when the kids dozed off. By the time we watched the fireworks, it was closed to 3am before we went to bed. Simple and relaxing celebration. Det var hyggeligt.
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