December 26, 2011
Kids being kids, they are extremely excited and happy to receive any present. Be it clothes, toys, books or chocolates, they got it all. Thanks to Za!
Rip off... |
Danish likes his present.. |
Kehulur kehilir bawak present dia. lol
Our guest, Za and daughter from UK and kak Ros came over for lunch on Friday. It was fun catching up with each other. The kids enjoying themselves..playing, snatching things from each other, hoping on the bed and etc. hehehe kita suka tengok. So long they are happy..we mummies are happy too!
Zahra and Sofea |
pressies from aunty Za, uncle Tony & Zahra |
simple food for my guest. Pasta-gratin, baked potatoes, blackpepper fried rice & fresh salad. Kak Ros brought eggs curry.
Thank you for coming ladies. Don't forget our next lunch date. *winks.*
December 21, 2011
Sofea's 2011 class photo...and as usual she refused to smile. hahaha..muka masam macam cuka. Lol.
December 12, 2011
We attended a farewell party at Aya's place yesterday. Another dear friend is leaving Copenhagen for good. Adila and family will be moving to Doha soon. sob sob sob..
A potluck party, so we each brought some food. I brought honey baked wings and agar2 gundil.
Honey baked wings, marinated with honey, oyster sauce, soya sauce, paprika and sesame oil. Senang kan..kalau nak cuba silakan..
Group photo. Forget us not Adila and hope you like the present!
Quoted by Richard Bach - Don't
be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again.
And meeting again, after moments or lifetime, is certain for those who are
December 11, 2011
Nothing much to update today. Just got home from attending a friend's farewell get together. Another friend will be leaving Copenhagen soon. Sob sob sob.
I will try to update this blog tomorrow with some piccies. Insyallah. So as for now..jom renungkan kata2 ini.
"Jika kamu sudah berazam akan sesuatu, maka bertawakkallah kepada Allah. kerana taqdir Allah berada di hujung usaha manusia. Kita tidak akan memiliki sesuatu itu jika bukan dengan izin-Nya".
Selamat malam semua.
December 10, 2011
November, a special month for me. A simple birthday celebration with my love ones. The day was exceptionally special this year because it was the same day as 1st Muharram.
July 25, 2011
I have not been updating the blog for 2 months. June was a great month afterall. I passed my danish pd3 module 4 and soon after we headed home to Singapore for 3½ weeks. It was indeed a short trip but all worthwhile.
Photos are not in order...i will try to update the blog as frequent as possible. Insya'allah.

Waiting for our flight to Frankfurt. It was delayed for an hour but alhamdulillah all went well.

Danish and yayi went out together..

Met our wonderful friends for dinner at fish & co, Tampines.

Cousins playing together.

Yayi and his 2 grandson.

At Tampines 1..terkopak duit jap!
Too many photos to be uploaded..more photos in my fb. Insyallah will meet again with our beloved family kalau dipanjangkan umur dan dimurahkan rezeki.
June 10, 2011

Our dinner on Wednesday - Nasi goreng kampung, a malay styled fried rice. I added anchovies and cuttlefish ball and cut bird's eye chilies..hmmm nice and spicy and served with egg, inang2 and fried salted treadfin fish. Quick and easy meal.
May 25, 2011
Last Thursday i went to fetch Danish at Aya´s right after my class. Aya helped to babysit him since he is still recovering from chickenpox. Thank you so so much Aya. I guess this is the most difficult part when we do not have any family members around. We seek help from friend instead. Friends are like family to us...suka duka bersama...insyaallah. Ecehhh..jgn ter-emo pulak lynne.

Danish on the way home from aunty Aya´s. Non stop petpot2...hehee..biasa lah anakku kan terlebih friendly. Siap ngan luggage dia tu lagi...haha. What was inside the luggage? His lunch box, spare clothes and train set. Siap semua!

Back from Aya´s, ibu decided to make wonton for our dinner. The filling contains prawns, chicken, spring onions, water chestnut, a dash of sesame oil.

Wonton noodles served in steaming hot soup with shrimp wontons and garnished with spring onions. There are plenty of variations of this popular Cantonese dish, with different toppings and garnsihes. For example the soup and wontons in a separate bowl, the noodles being served dry, with the toppings and garnishes, dressed with sauce, dipping the noodles in the soup to eat it. Whatever your preference is, this dish is definitely irressitable. Another simple easy peasy dinner.

Assalammualaikum semua. Sorry for missing in action for a week. This is an outdated entry. I cooked Shabsuka, a Mediterranean cuisine last Wednesday. I would say this is a meaty version of kacang phool, also eaten with baguette. Senang and sedap..if you are tired of eating rice or noodles..give this one-dish meal a try!
May 16, 2011

I had a guest on Friday and so i made lasagne and carrot cup cakes. There are many variation of carrot cake. Many carrot cake recipes include optional ingredients, such as nuts, raisins, pineapple or coconut. As for me i made the simple version aka original version. hehehehee..ibu kan nak senang aje..janji sedap!
Carrot cake may be eaten plain, but it is commonly either glazed or topped with icing, cream cheese and chopped walnuts. I served my carrot cup cakes with cream cheese topping with shredded carrot. hahaha...stock walnuts kehabisan dahhhh...What matter most, the taste and creativity.
May 15, 2011
I kept postponing to make apam senyum @ apam mekar for weeks. The reason being i do not have any cute little mould for the apam but after so much thinking, i decided to use the cupcakes case instead.

Before kukus

Kuih apam not-too-sweet spongy cakes. A good kuih apam is the “split” at the top of the cake which some refer to it as the “smile”. Mine was not an excellent job. Some of my kuih apam senyum senget. lolz. Nevertheless kuih apam is an easy peasy malay delicacies..and most importantly yummy!
May 04, 2011
This is another outdated entry. Just bear with me ok..a little slow to update the blog. I have been busy for the past few days nursing my little princess who is down with fever and chickenpox. Alhamdulillah, she is recovering now.
Anyway back to this entry, i went out last week on Wednesday to Fisketorvet with Kak Ros, Za and the 2 lovely girls, Zahra and Sofea. We had buffet lunch at Cyprus.

Us posing for the camera...cian Sofea tidur till mata tertutup topi. haha.

Makan makan makan...laparrrrrrrr..
A short meetup but a fun always!. Hope to see u again Za and Zahra and hope yo had a great time in Copenhagen.
April 24, 2011
our first time visiting the København zoological garden. It was approximately 15 mins drive from our house. Weather was so perfect to be out with your family and friends. We went with the Holmes and few other friends. It was afterall a great day....

The chubby ibu and my two lovely kids.

Face painting


The Holmes..

My little cutie tiger.

Time for cream!
The zoo is open all year round. Best kan..memang best..ibu suka. Must go again, definitely!
April 18, 2011

Made kuih bakar keledek for a farewell party last Saturday. Apart from this kuih, i made pineapple tart too. I have always in love with traditional malay delicacies. I believed in order to make a perfect traditional kuih, we have to kekalkan recipe lamanya dan cara membuatnya. Misalannya yang kukus harus dikukus..yang bakar sedap dibakar. That is my opinion lah kan..but of course now a days ramai yang suka ber-experiment...ada menjadi ada yang tidak..up to individual lah kan...ikut tekak masing2. Tekak ku tekak dulu2..hahahaha. Kuih bakar keledek aka bingka keledek ni tak cun melecun rupanya. Macam ala ala tak cantik nak masuk dalam majlis kan...but ku berserah aje lah bawak hari tu..alhamdulillah ada juga yang sudi makan. hehehe..syukur alhamdulillah.
The loppemarked is back again and dear hubby as usual super duper happy. He said this is one of the way for destressing. Ibu tak cerewet...nak pegi ku ikutkan aje...betul tak. So after my training in the gym, off we went to Holte loppemarked. I think this is one of the best loppemarked in København. Apparently all the booths are sold out. Hubby was looking for something specific and syukur alhamdulillah we got it at such a reasonable price. hehehe..

AND...the little hero stumble upon this..løbehjul. He instantly asked if he can have it. For just 20 kr, why not kan. Happy lah si bujang kecik ni..above pic he was still trying to get a grib on it.


My two heros. Always happy to see them happy.
one thing to be careful when you are at the loppemarked is to make sure you don´t end up buying others trash. Set in mind what you are looking for and always bargain - the temptations in flea market abound!!!

They looked tired..from school to home and out again to auntie Aya´s house cos ibu had to go to the hospital to visit bapak. Yes, dear hubby was admitted to the hospital due to hypertension. It was the most dramatic, tension, stressful and exhausted day for me but ALLAH gave me the strength to keep strong through out that day. Alhamdulillah hubby was being discharged the next day. He is still on medication and have to keep watch his diet.
April 13, 2011
Just to know each day that u are hereTo listen & love, to laugh & care,Makes each new day seem bright & new.Make each moment become a treasured memory.I love u more with each new day!May Allah give u bright and joyful future, good health & all the good things that u can ever wish for.Happy birthday to my better half, the love of my life.
April 04, 2011
Roti sosej for our breakfast on a beautiful sunday morning. Indeed such a lovely day more winter jackets or boots...just light jacket on. Yeeehaaaaa...happy puppy!!! At first i thought its gonna be tough to pintal2 the roti sosej ni..but alhamdulillah tak lah susah sangat..akhirnya berjaya jugak eventhough not perfect but one is perfect in this world ok!!! Kira for first timer memintal roti ni kira acceptable lah yeeee...

Fresh from the oven..simply yummylicious.

Waiting to be baked.
"Dalam apa jua yang kita lakukan mesti ada keikhlasan and insyaallah akan terhasil la sepertimana yang kita inginkan." amaciam ok tak ayat ibu tu..ok aje lah ye..
March 30, 2011
Like every other Monday, i left the house at 0800 and will only be home at 1630. Busy, tiring and rushing Monday but guess´s all worthwhile, the moment I looked at the faces of my beloved ones. As usual i went to fetch Danish straight from school. We left the school together with Alexander and his mum. The two boys non stop talking to each other while waiting for the bus 3A.

sempat snapped their photo. Cute kan..

Afterwhich we went to fetch Sofea from vuggestuen. I let the kids play at the courtyard for ½ hr. While the kids playing, ibu had a great time talking to our neighbours. It´s good to know your neighbours kan. In this building, memang my neighbours are all Danes. AND it felt good when they can understand your (broken) danish. lol..need lots and lots of practice bubu...its not easy..but i will keep trying. hahaha..
Reached home terus on Monday - chicken rice penyet. I am enjoying my life..alhamdulillah can never ask for more. Thank u Allah.
An outdated entry. Supposed to post this entry last Saturday but was not in the mood to update the blog. hehee. We were just lazing around, decided not to go anywhere. Perhap we felt too tired because the kids woke up as early as 0530 hrs and they eventually took a nap at 1400hrs. phewwwww...

This was what i did at 0530 hrs. yes, doing revision while the kids watching teletubbies.

Sweet tooth...oh my!!!! Donuts for tea. Danish simply love it.
Thanks mum for the usual definitely a keeper!!!
March 25, 2011

What do you think of my sweetie pie? Isn´t she adorable??? She insisted on bringing her own DoRA waterbottle. hehehe..every few sec sipping her water. lol. Nak gi mana adik? Adik nak jejalan ke fisketorvet.

Terima kasih Haizan sekeluarga kasi Danish bicycle ni..walaupun ni bicycle Manissah masa kecil dulu tapi still in good good as brand new. Happy sangat Danish dapat main ngan bicycle ni the other day. Danish has his own løbecykel but of course different. Løbecykel without paddel so its time he learn kan kan kan and insyallah in May he will be paddling to and fro school.

Last week on Thursday hubby and i had superb lunch at Sticks N Sushi. I like the salmon, crayfish with mango and avocado salad. Simply yummilicous. We shared the big bowl of salad, sushi and green tea. Hubby said, it was a treat for me for passing my module 3 test. Alhamdulillah..i am now in module 4 and insyallah the next test will be in June.
March 12, 2011

Sardine rolls for our breakfast. This used to be a favorite snack for birthday parties apart from sardine sandwiches or sardine puffs. Lynne´s style sardine rolls coated with breadcrumbs.
My little princess ate a roll all by herself. Good girl adik.

Tepung gomak for our dessert yesterday. This malay delicacy is one of my favorite. Tepung gomak, made of glutinous rice flour filled with sweet green beans and coconut and coated with green bean flour. Another easy peasy dessert.
March 11, 2011
Today i decided to cook lamb bombay briyani and acar timun for dinner. Chicken soup for the kids. Dah lama tak makan acar timun ni.

Acar timun - a type of salad commonly in Indonesian, Malaysia and Singapore. Made of small chunks of cucumber, carrot, shallot which are pickled in sugar, vinegar and dried chillies. Simply easy to prepare.

Acar is commonly served as a condiment to be eaten with a main course. Jemput makan semua..