Sofea is still coughing & started having a weezing sound when she is breathing. Ibu brought her to the clinic again. According to Dr Kate, she has a lung infection but she is breathing normally now. If she started to breath heavily, we have to call the emergency doctor immediately. Haizzz macam2 dugaan..doakan my little baby will get well soon...

Pic taken before going to the clinic.

Asleep on the way home..
Kalau dia dah start batuk tu..kesian sangat tengok dia. Cepat2 lah baik Sofea..k now nak layan dia jap..dia ngah pekik2 kat gym mat dia.hehehe
Hai Lyn, Thanks for the invitation to your lovely blog: At last dapat juga access. Hope Sofea will get well soon.
Thank u kak Ida. She is asleep now but we just have to monitor her breathing aje..tonight tak leh tidur lah kena jaga2 je check on Sofea. hehe
we're praying for a speedy recovery for sofea ~dw
TQ so much kak dewi.
get well soon sofea. its cold there....keep warm. LOL!
This yr winter is so cold..but awesome..more fun than the past yrs..u are right..have to keep warm. menggigil2 aje kita. hoping for a bright sunshine in Singapore in few mths time..winks winks.
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