Bodil came to check and see how Sofea is doing...her weight, height and developments. Since Sofea has just recovered from a bad cough which lasted for a month, she only gained 900 grm from the last checkup. Her current weight is 7kg and 66 cm in length.

Bodil said, Sofea is very attentive, caution yet curious.

She is actually very tired after an hr long of playing on her gym mat...just look at her sleepy face. hehe

The weighing time..
The next visit is in 2 months time. For now ibu can start introducing her to full fat yogurt, whole milk, oat porridge, rice, noodle, all kind of fruit, meat and Sofea food is getting interesting by the day..
And today she has started taking oat porridge with a tsp of butter and formula milk for lunch. Ibu will add on mashed potato to it for dinner. Hope she likes it..
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