We had a farewell lunch for a true friend cum sister to me. It is sad that one by one my SINGA connection is leaving CPH. Soon will be back to the old days..Just K.Ros and ME!!! Jun is far away in odense..kau taknak move ke københavn ke Jun. hahahaha..Anyways guess thats life..but we will definitely meet again in Singapore. Insyaállah.

Group photo..

K.Dewi and her adorable princess..Nafisa. Will miz u both to the max..

Tuang air baik2 Jun..

The host..cik puan Muna yang senantiasa ayu jelita. TQ Muna for hosting the lunch.

Some of the food spread...roti jala & kari ayam, vietnamese popiah. Jun aku lupa lak nak amik gambar apple tart kau..jgn marah lah ye..

Lamb stew with bread and pasta.

SINGA Connection..K.Ros, K.Dewi and yours truly.
Sob sob sob...
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