We woke up at 0315 hrs cos Danish crying non stop, took his temperature and ghosh..it was 40.2 deg. Hubby called the doctor and after a good 2 hrs of waiting, he finally arrived and left after 5 mins. Hmmm..if in Singapore budak ni dah kena admitted dahhh..sini relax je..macam takde apa2.
Ibu had to cold sponge him every 1 hr and alhamdulillah it helps to bring down the temp. He is asleep now but what worries me is, he still refuse to eat. Hmmm..
lynne, jus today i stumble upon yr blog and saw this entry. i hope he is recuperating well. dun worry ok. cph very relax in terms of fever. rohan was very sick once too but the doc said it is nothing. thats one thing we are not happy with. and he wl eat when he is hungry. think his throat pain ke.. rest well mummy!
Yana, alhamdulillah Danish is much better today. At least he wants to eat and drink. I will still monitor closely his temp just to make sure everything is under control. It does help to cold sponge him every hr.
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