December 31, 2009
Today is the last day of 2009 and sadly i lost yet another friend..she has been there for us through out the 2 years. They are like a family to us. AND we will definitely miss them so much. A teary morning at CPH Airport just now.

Photo of us..

The ladies who turned up at the airport to bid farewell to them..

Ramai kan yang datang airport just to see them off. They have really made such a wonderful friends here.
Thank u for the friendship, the advices, the guidance...we can never repay your kindness. We will meet you again in SG, insyaƔllah.
December 30, 2009
We have started giving her formula since 2 weeks ago but Im not trying to weaning her off. AND she has started taking solids too. All going on well..

Sesungguh nak pegang bottle sendiri..

Sempat pulak tengok camera..

Enough trying to drink my milk.

I made sate yesterday and kuah kacang Aya style. Memang lain dari yang lain pekena kuah kacang ni. Terima kasih Aya share recipe kuah kacang ni...sayang Aya.
December 29, 2009

Photo taken from Muna´s FP.
This year alone i lost 3 Singaporean friends..sob sob sob.
December 28, 2009
Yet another simple menu for our lunch today..

Wanton soup for Ibu & Chicken oat for Danish.

Danish´s after dia dah makan sandwich + brocoli + half banana. Selera dia dah datang balik dahhh..after seminggu demam last week kan. Alhamdulillah.
Entry ni khas ditujukan kepada si detu detu detu tuuuuuuu...yang ngah happy happy giler kat Barcelona. Jeles!!!! Hehehe..huh babe..dah dibeli pun MERCUN yang kau dok pilih memilih tu..ramai pulak rombongan yang pegi membelinya semalam. hehehe

Rombongan Datuk Haizan..

Huh kau tak agak2..berangkut semalam. Dah siap letak dlm kereta kau babe!!!

Amaciam Auntie Dila..cute tak Sofea??? Im ready to party auntie..Lets party together!!!!
December 27, 2009
Special is really sad to bid farewell to them but i am sure we will meet again BUT that will be in Singapore. Insyaallah..
Sedih nya..i just managed to prepare spaghetti goreng, epok2 sardine aje. Nothing fancy at all..

Sabrina, Danish, Ibrahim, Nafisa & Syaibah.

Danish sesungguh nak bukak the box. hehehe.
Thank u for the friendship...will miss u guys!!!
December 26, 2009

our simple meal for today..Nasi ayam penyet Lynne style. Not enough ingredients actually. Ayam tu ku terhentak kuat sangat sampai terkeluar isinya. hahaha brutal betul ibu ni. Jangan main2!!!

Risalamande or Rice Pudding with Warm Cherry Compote - a delicious pudding for Christmas. Something Danish for the Christmas table...
Thanks to Aya who have made this..SEDAP!!!!.
Tak sangka bukan Danes pun HANDAL buat pudding ni..THUMBS UP AYA!!!!
December 22, 2009

You read the title correctly. The doc said "nothing to be alarmed, it is just a normal viral fever. Just take off his clothes and the temperature will subside soon."
We woke up at 0315 hrs cos Danish crying non stop, took his temperature and was 40.2 deg. Hubby called the doctor and after a good 2 hrs of waiting, he finally arrived and left after 5 mins. Hmmm..if in Singapore budak ni dah kena admitted dahhh..sini relax je..macam takde apa2.
Ibu had to cold sponge him every 1 hr and alhamdulillah it helps to bring down the temp. He is asleep now but what worries me is, he still refuse to eat. Hmmm..

With the current weather I pretty much happy to stay in my cosy apartment with my kiddos and my new books...yeah!!!!
December 20, 2009
More of Danish pictures in Vuggestue. Layan aje lah ye..ibu dah kebuntuan nak update blog ni.

In this picture - Caroline, Danish, Tobias & Jytte.

Danish, Jytte & Caroline.

Them again..
December 18, 2009

Izz Danish class photo with teachers and friends.
December 17, 2009
Hubby sempat bawak Danish memain kat bawah before pegi sekolah tadi. Dia macam terperanjat tengok semua putih je kat playground. hehehe.

Yeah he is well again and is back in school. alhamdulillah.
Let it snow...let it snow... and hopefully it will be a white Xmas this year!!! Yipeee...such a beautiful sight. Love it!!!
Snap some photos around our apartment...enjoy!


Hubby´s car..

My vegetables stock at the balcony..dah tak nampak sayur2 tu pun..huhuhu.
December 15, 2009
Invited few friends over for lunch yesterday. I made laksa nyonya, rojak buah and carrot muffin with cream cheese topping. Jah brought kuih sagoo yang cukup lah lembut selembut puan yang membuatnya. hahaha..

The simple spread..

Kak Dewi and my little princess. Sofea was unwell yesterday..cranky eversince the night before.

Gambar kenangan eh Jah..

Sherry and Wawa pun ada jugak..
TQ kekawan sudi datang rumah..makan2 bebual2.

Danish with our neighbour´s son and his friends. The 3 boys bleh melayan Danish running around the courtyard. Sempat posing jap bergambar..hahaha.
Picture taken before we went out on Saturday tu..
We decided to bring the kids out on Saturday by train. Danish so excited taking the s-tog..tak habis2 cakap train..train..train..hehehe.

It was freaking cold but a nice walk with the family.


Thought of taking the ride but decided not to since Adik was having her nap...and Danish was a little tired..

Easy bringing the kids with the twin stroller. The only setback is that we couldnt bring the stroller in the restaurant..too big AND ibu forgot to bring the tak bleh lah nak makan kat restaurant Indian Palace hari tu..hmmmm..padan muka ibu!!!
December 10, 2009
Suka tengok both of them playing together. Si adik macam dah tau2 aje nak memain ngan si abang. Ngah nangis pun tau2 je diam bila abang dia panggil dia. Gambar ni ibu snap masa they are playing atas katil Danish.

Both looking at the camera..

Sofea dah ngantuk actually tapi still nak memain jugak. Danish pulak waiting for dinner time tapi sempat memain sekejap ngan adik dia. Happy je ibu tengok both of them..
Hubby went to london over the weekend to meet up with his friends who flew from Singapore for their year end holiday. Ibu and the kids had to stay home since Sofea has no passport yet. I uploaded some of the many photos. The rest will be uploaded in hubby´s FB.

Hubby with Noh, Lin and their kids.

Presents for us..yeahhh!!!! Tak banyak pun..tapi jadilah buat tanda mata kan..
So glad u had a great time hubby.
December 07, 2009

How time flies and she is 4 mths old now. Today she met with her new friends - Maxim, Joseph & Gustav
(sorry no photo since camera is with hubby in Ldn). As usual she behaved so well. She didn’t cry through out the play date. AND ibu has few new friends too. They came from Moscow, Germany & Finland. The next momz group is in 2 weeks time in our house. Can’t wait for that.
Baby Quotes:-Take a sprinkling of fairy dust, An angel's single feather, Also a dash of love and care,Then mix them both together.Add a sentiment or two,A thoughtful wish or line,A touch of stardust, a sunshine ray... Its a recipe, for a Baby Girl truly fine.- Author Unknown -
December 06, 2009
Danish main lompat2 pulak kat sekolah. Macam2..asalkan tak jatuh tersungkur kat lantai sudah lah Danish oiiii...

Sesungguh waiting for his turn.

Tengok tu kemain punya happy dia..


Ni pun boleh dijadikan activity kat sekolah eh..takpelah kan asalkan bebudak happy je lah. Anyways they are still kids..semua below 3 yrs old. Memain lah sepuasnya. But in vuggestue bukan memain aje tau..they are being taught lots of stuff.