We had guest right after solat raya and at around 1pm we headed to kak dewi´s house followed by Adilaz. AND our last guest for the day..hmm..my long lost friend, Junieta and family.hehehe.

Kak BB from Århus, Kak Ros, Sofea, Ibu & Danish.

Wawa and Azizul..(Thanks Wawa for the kuih and kek raya..sedap lah the kek..mintak recipe leh??? -winks-)

My heros making their way to kak dewi´s hse..

Them again...(see uncle..Danish baju melayu is so big..hehehe)

Singaporean families..

Danish playing with Ieyaz..

Jun and ibu..
Tomorrow we will serang kak Ros´s house pulak...
K dah ngantuk..tata all..
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