We were invited for a breaking fast cum birthday party at Adila´s house yesterday. Ramai jugak yang datang...meriah sesekali jumpakan.
Since both Danish and Sofea had enough sleep during the day, i convinced that they will be behaving themselves and I was right. BUT..penat giler kejar2 Danish yang extremely active.

The birthday girl..Alyssa.

The birthday cake..oppss birthday pulut. Sedap!!!!

The food spread..rendang daging, sambal tumis udang petai, ikan percik, terung sambal, sayur goreng, asam pedas ayam and lots of desserts. Kenyang..Burp!!!

From left - Ibu, Shery, Jah, Aya, Aju, K.Ida, K.Bedah, Adila, Alyssa & Mak Mon (Nazri´s mom).
Thanks Dila for inviting us.
AND Thanks Muna for the photos!
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