Biasa lah if gi loppemarked mesti we end up buying lots of stuff but mostly for Danish and adik lah. Today dapat 4 bottle microwave steam steriliser for 20 kr aje. Lots of baby´s clothes for just 5 or 10 kr each. Borong..borong..
After jejalan..perut rasa lapar lak so Haizan suggested we eat at Kosk Kebab at Nørrebro. Hmmm memang not bad the food there..sedap!!!! Below pic amik time we santap. Layan je lah eh..
Kesian hubby ku kepenatan today layan kerenah Danish yang meragam sejak pagi tadi. Kat rumah meragam, kat loppemarked meragam, kat time makan pun nak meragam. ish ish ish..
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