July 05, 2009 | By: Lynne

Jemputan birthday party..

We were invited to Rico n Rica´s birthday party. The event started at 2pm so in the morning we had amble time to jalan2. So off we went to Nørrebro centre. Hubby bought shirts kerja dahhhh and also carik presents for the birthday boy n girl. hehehe last min eh..

When i reached Sue J´s house, i realised i forgot my camera. Duhhhh!!!! Nothing is new..maklumlah ibu asyik lupa je now adays. Dunno y lehhhh.. so peepz takde gambar from yesterday´s birthday party..tapi i just managed to snap gambar berkat yang diberikan. Dah macam majlis walimatulurus kan. hehehee..class!!!
Berkat for ibu n hubby.

Berkat for Danish..
Food spread as usual berlambak2..mee rebus, nasi putih, curry ayam, sayur campur, udang sambal, ayam bakar. Desserts-pelebat pisang, kuih bakar jagung, kek butter, lopes, apam balik (delicious wa ckp sama lu!!!!) and seri muka. Kekenyangan!!!!
Once again..wishing RICO & RICA..HAPPY BIRTHDAY...


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