July 31, 2009
Just got back from the clinic. Finally Danish had his last vaccination for hepatitis B. Luckily hubby is on late shift today so he antar lah tadik kalau tak leceh jugak turun naik bus with stroller. Dahlah ibu jalan nw macam penquin. hehehe.
Cian Danish early morning dah kena inject..nangis lah dia!!!!

Muka cramp..cian dia.

Melalak. Bapak boleh senyum ni..heheh
July 30, 2009
Can´t resist..have to snap the below pics. Y??? Cos ibu is very happy when Danish makan nasi ayam with the soup & ayam goreng rempah habis satu pinggan. Not easy nak kasi Danish makan nasi tau...so bila tengok nasi habis macam happy gitu. Yeah!!!!

Ermmmm sesungguh dia makan ayam.

Alhamdulillah dia pun dah kenyang..
Nothing to update. Been bz spring cleaning Danish´s wardrobe. Putting away the old clothes and replenish with new ones. Sesak satu bag besar with his old clothes. Nak kena bukak booth at loppemarked ni next year nak lelong. LOL.
Kemas punya kemas jumpa all Danish´s winter clothes that his adik can use. So save duit tak payah nak beli baru. Yeah!!! Tu pun sesak satu bag jugak.
Below pic ni saje2 amik time Danish makan pisang sambil tengok Sesame Street...layan je lah..

yeahhhh Banan..

Cian khuyuk tengok sesorang..
K if there´s anything interesting i will update again k..ciao people.
July 28, 2009

Yesterday´s inial plan was just to shop for groceries at Central but terpergi Fisketorvet pulak bila dapat information that El Giganten is having sale. So hubby kata better gi beli sekali. Alah bukan barang ape pun..cuma blenderku dah rosak..so belilah yang baru.
We were there for 1½ hrs je and terus went to Central. Balik2 rumah terus masak lah kan..dah lapar!!!. Happy sebab freezer ku dah penuh sesak dah..ada ayam, daging cincang, daging lembu, ikan tenggiri, kembong, smoked mackerel, talapia, fish tofu, fishball, sausages..huh..penuh!!!! Best best..senang nak masak.
July 26, 2009
Salam semua. After few weeks we tak gi to any loppemarked, tup2 today hubby decided to go to the one in Lyngby. We went with family Aya. Kecoh sikit..best!!
Biasa lah if gi loppemarked mesti we end up buying lots of stuff but mostly for Danish and adik lah. Today dapat 4 bottle microwave steam steriliser for 20 kr aje. Lots of baby´s clothes for just 5 or 10 kr each. Borong..borong..
After jejalan..perut rasa lapar lak so Haizan suggested we eat at Kosk Kebab at Nørrebro. Hmmm memang not bad the food there..sedap!!!! Below pic amik time we santap. Layan je lah eh..

Kesian hubby ku kepenatan today layan kerenah Danish yang meragam sejak pagi tadi. Kat rumah meragam, kat loppemarked meragam, kat time makan pun nak meragam. ish ish ish..
Nyai & Yayi..tengok macam mana bila cucunya start mengamuk..lately meragam aje..tak tau dia nak ape. Pening pening..
July 22, 2009
Went for the flow & tilvæsk scanning on Monday and alhamduillah all well. Adik is now
2.4 kg and although the level of aminoacids is still below average but doctor convinced it is all under control. Doctor advised to come for another CTG and scanning in 2 weeks time, i.e, Monday 3 August. He said that if on that day the aminoacids decreasing then i shall be induced immediately. But really nothing to be worried cos by then I will be at 38 weeks.
False contractions come and go...legs & my back aching and at times really unbearable but tahan aje. Tu kan lumrah org dah sarat kan..hehehe..
K thats the update on adik.
Update on Danish..hmmm he started his 3 weeks sommerferie this week so ibu pretty busy layan dia during the day AND he is
1½ years old TODAY!!!! Dah besar anak ibu.
July 21, 2009

Wishing my dearest sister, Suliana Samawi..A Very Happy 26th Birthday. Hope you will have a wonderful day, may all your wishes come true and great year ahead. Be a responsible wife & mama to the 2 lovely adorable kids..

Picture taken last year at Singapore zoological garden.
"There´s no other Love like the Love for a Sister
And there´s no other Love like the Love from a Sister"
I am lucky to have a Sister like YOU.
July 20, 2009
Hubby is off today. While he send Danish for blood test, ibu busy cooking at home. At 1300 hrs, hubby send ibu pulak to rigshospitalet for flow & tilvæsk scanning.
Lepas amik darah tu..hubby kata dia nak walk ard with Danish. Hmm..lama jugak they walk ard...rupa2nya dia bershopping..ishhh!!!! Maklumlah illum ngah ada 70% sale. Shopping for Danish and adik aje..not for ibu or bapak pun..hehehe takpe2.

Hubby bought for Danish, grant jacket & tommy shirt. Armani baby set for adik and Benetton baby set for a gift to our friend who recently given birth. AND we sempat singgah her place just now..cute baby dia..geram!!!!

Danish with his new outfit. Tak sempat nak pakaikan betul2 dia dah berlari. Kena umpan ngan hp baru we managed to snap this photo.
Nayi, Yayi, Uncle, Mama Cookie & Chubby..cute tak Danish???
Lately ibu asyik rasa sakit kaki & pinggang aje..yesterday went out just for awhile and balik je macam dah flat gitu..tak leh buat ape2. At times i have to drag my left leg...ni dah right leg jugak. Pinggang and tulang belakang really painful. Haizz..dugaan betul..kata org thats the sign lah..dah nak meletup.
If according to the edd..left with 28 days aje. Hmm...mixed feelings..anxious, scared, nervous, happy and etc..
Doa, doa and byk doa..
BTW to my 2 friends in CPH ni (U knw who u are)...Congratulations eh sebab terjangkit jadik Mak Yong!!!! Happy dengar ada org terjangkit. hehehehe..
July 18, 2009

Like the old saying..Rezeki jangan ditolak..yeah this week ibu dapat macam2 lauk and kuih frm my friends.
1st row - nasi briyani with the lauk and kek kukus prune frm Sue Joshua.
2nd row - bubur pulut hitam frm kak Dewi, Arca buah & telur asin frm Aya dan lopes, hehehe ibu buat sendiri..Ni lopes trial & error cs 1st time buat. Ni pun tanya2 aya camne nak buat..tak sesedap yg aya buat lah..kena cuba lagi ni..
Last row - popiah ibu buat sendiri. Yesterday extremely rajin so i made lopes & popiah so managed to return my friend´s container. Yeah...
July 17, 2009
Mama cookie, standby kena cubit from nyai eh..hehehee..

We had nasi lemak with sambal telur, timun, ikan bilis goreng, ayam bakar & epok2 kentang for dinner semalam. Kenyang giler...epok2 tu last min buat cos suddenly i teringat time in SG if makan nasi lemak mesti ada epok2 sekali.
Tak sangka pulak Danish pun makan nasi lemak tu..with timun and ayam bakar. Happy tengok dia makan satu pinggan habis.
For those yang tak tau..Danish ni susah sikit nak makan nasi..kalau roti kasi tiap2 hari dia makan. hehehe.
July 16, 2009
Hmmm sedapnya..hehehe layan je lah eh video Danish makan. Nothing to update lah..
July 15, 2009

Yesterday photos..dia ngah makan Tuna & Egg sandwich and raisins balance from his lunch box. Raisins memang fav dia..
July 14, 2009

Anak bapak.. hmmm..bapak kata Danish nya photo yang ni yang sama ngan bapak. layan ajelah eh...hehehe

Our todayz menu. Udang madu, Ayam masak lemak cili api, Brokoli goreng and Juice jambu batu. After 2 days tak memasak so nari rajin sikit. Y tak masak for 2 days???
Sunday we ate at our friend´s house and yesterday pulak ibu just buat maggie curry for lunch and tuna/eggs sandwich for dinner. Kira tu too simple..macam serupa tak masak kan.
Whats for Danish today??? Hmm...Danish will eat rice+bening bayam & fishball for dinner.
July 13, 2009
Our lille mand...pic taken this morning before sending him to vuggestue. Today bapak on leave so bapak yang send and fetch Danish. Sempat dia main kuda2 sebelum keluar rumah.

Tersengih tengok camera..
BTW ibu went for CTG and scanning just now. Alhamdulillah all well and next week Monday apt lagi.
July 12, 2009
Salam all..just wanna post photos of our today´s breakfast. Macam meriah sikit gitu..lain from the usual burgers or American breakfast. Jelak kan...so i decided to buat ni............

Kueh Teow goreng..hentam je lah just put whatever available.

Nasi ayam goreng..balance nasi ayam semalam..ibu goreng lah makan with the ayam madu and cilinya.

Ayam madu and chicken nuggets.
Kenyang and confirm tak makan lunch macam yesterday. hehehe..Today Danish breakfast cereal with raisins. Raisin memang fav dia...
Will try to take Danish new photos lah ok. tata
July 11, 2009
Jemputz breakfast semua..alhamdulillah we all kenyang..apa taknya..breakfast yang amat mengemukkan. ahakz..tapi nak cepat punya pasal bedal aje lah.

Roti burger Ramly & fries ngan secawan horlicks...ni bapak Danish punya..

Yang ni pinggan Danish. Dia makan roti tu sikit je..yang dia habiskan fries. takpelah asalkan dia kenyang sudah.
Dah ok..today nak gi jejalan..visit my friend yang baru given birth den nak gi central beli lauk. tata..
Yesterday i was a bit rajin so misi membersihkan fridge dilancarkan. hehehe..tup2 ternampak 3 biji jagung that we bought last week. Alamak ni kalau dah rosak lum buat ape2 confirm kena jeling ni..sib baik masih ok...so ibu rebus lah. malas pulak nak bakar..pemalas tul!!!!

Jagung yang telah direbus..ibu put abit of salt and butter..

Huh..tu lah jagung ku..sedap!!!
Nak jugak ke??? gi beli gi..kat netto ada..aldi pun ada..kedai afghan pun ada...hehehe
July 10, 2009

Lets look at the above photo. The right hand side is our beloved son, Izz Danish when he was 1 month old. Now cuba teka sapakah yang digambar sebelah kiri??? Ahhh..kalau teka betul nanti dpt hadiah. hehehe macam ye ye eh..
Amaciam any resemblance between the two of them??? Ada persamaan tak??? Tell me lah..
July 09, 2009
Look at how khusyuk Danish watching TV..he is watching one of his fav dvd...bukan shrek eh!!

Tak perasan ibu snap gambar.

Yeah he is watching Sesame Street..learning about letters. hehehe tu ngah lagu C is for Cookie..thats good enough for me...hehehe.

Sesungguh tengok sambil relax atas sofa.
Photo taken yesterday after he came back from vuggestue.
July 08, 2009
Update on adik again. Went for scanning and CTG at the labour ward. Doc said adik is still small..1.779kg for 34 weeks and the water level is the same. So doc advised to have a regular weekly checkup. Yes another CTG, scanning will be on Monday 13 July.
Memula tu scanning kat ward biasa sekali kena transferred to labour ward. Ingat dah nak kena induce rupanya tak. Aya and family siap datang lagi visit. Terima kasih lah aya sanggup singgah kat rigshospitalet tengok lyn. Buat suspense je lah doc ni rupanya dia check and kasi balik...
Ok dah..tu je..nak gi apotek jap..tata..
July 06, 2009
Hmmm..been thinking of eating curry tenggiri or asam pedas...asked hubby this morning and dia ckp..masak asam pedas sudah. Hmm..so ape lagik..balik antar Danish ibu terus masak..Y i masak pepagi??? Sebab today at 1330 hrs ada apt for final scanning.
Makan dulu b4 gi hospital..scared kena tahan kempunan tak dpt makan asam pedas, telur asin, kangkong goreng and sambal belacan. hehehe..

Nasi, sambal belacan, telur asin, timun & kangkong goreng.

Air bandung ku...(terima kasih lah Aya kasi syrup ros dari mesia. Cute sgt lah botol syrup tu..)

Lynne´s style Asam pedas ikan tenggiri and sayur asin.
Jemput makan semua...

At last i managed to find telur asin kat kedai cina central. Actually boleh buat sendiri kan..ibu tried buat sendiri last year but ni kes malas. Although it is consider expensive lah..6 for 48 kr (SGD 14) but nevermind nak makan punya pasal. Best best best...
July 05, 2009
Jom kita view gambar Danish buat perangai dalam kereta on the way home from Central tadi. Actually Danish ngah duduk kat depan nak drive kereta tapi since kita dah nak balik ibu amiklah tu yang dia tunjuk perasaan. Refused to sit at his car seat..tup2 dia buat perangai duduk kat bawah..tengoklah gambar bawah ni..

Ibu tak kuasa nak pujuk dah..biarkan aje..dia duduk kat bawah.

Ni ngah merajuk..org nak dukung pun taknak..ishhhhh..
I wonder why Danish ni semakin dekat adik dia nak keluar semakin buat perangai..
Hari ni adalah hari tolong menolong, bantu membantu sesama kawan...hahaha taklah aku je yang istiharkan tu..sebabnya hari ni kami menolong fixkan internet Haizan&Aya..lepas tu dorang lak tolong drillkan nak pasang langsir rumah aku. Huh..kan hari tolong menolong tu..
Bukan tu je sempat gi Ikea sekejap, makan kat McDonalds lepas tu sempat singgah central beli barang lauk. Ishhhh..penat tak penat??? Ibu kepenatan..ngan Danish yang seactive2 nya..leh kurus!!!!

Muka serious nah..

Tengok si Danish dia pun sibuk ngan laptop. Ni laptop Manisha..macam ye ye je anak ibu.

Danish lagik..

Danish & Kak Isha.

Danish, Kak Isha & Abg Irfan.

Ibu sempat snap 1 gambar je kat Ikea. Ni time Danish memain ngan Isha. Susah lah nak bawak Danish jejalan sekarang. He refused duduk dlm stroller nak berlari je. Penat Penat!!!
Ni baru leh relax jap..Danish dah tidur dah..
We were invited to Rico n Rica´s birthday party. The event started at 2pm so in the morning we had amble time to jalan2. So off we went to Nørrebro centre. Hubby bought shirts kerja dahhhh and also carik presents for the birthday boy n girl. hehehe last min eh..
When i reached Sue J´s house, i realised i forgot my camera. Duhhhh!!!! Nothing is new..maklumlah ibu asyik lupa je now adays. Dunno y lehhhh.. so peepz takde gambar from yesterday´s birthday party..tapi i just managed to snap gambar berkat yang diberikan. Dah macam majlis walimatulurus kan. hehehee..class!!!

Berkat for ibu n hubby.

Berkat for Danish..
Food spread as usual berlambak2..mee rebus, nasi putih, curry ayam, sayur campur, udang sambal, ayam bakar. Desserts-pelebat pisang, kuih bakar jagung, kek butter, lopes, apam balik (delicious wa ckp sama lu!!!!) and seri muka. Kekenyangan!!!!
Once again..wishing RICO & RICA..HAPPY BIRTHDAY...
July 03, 2009
Below photos are courtesy from Jytte..photos taken when Danish was 14th-15th months old.

Jytte & Danish..

Main pasir lagik..

Nak kemana lah anak ibu ni..muka cramp aje.

Jytte with the kids..

Danish´s classmates...yang ni semua dah older than Danish..semua ard 2 yrs old.