Great 2 weeks for Danish and Sofea, spending time with their nyai and yayi..and today they bid farewell. We will definitely meet up with nyai again real soon..but as for yayi..time will tell when and where we will be meeting again.
Thank you so much nyai and yayi for visiting us and entertaining the kids. I'm sure that the kids will miss them very much.

At the departure hall..

Haizan and family went to the airport too..

adik..cian adik tak suka duduk kat buggy tu eh adik.

Have a safe trip back to Abu Dhabi yayi..kesian yayi sampai2 je malam ni esok dah kena kerja dah..take care yayi.

The kiddos entertaining themselves. hehe

Yayi and Sofea..

Yayi, Sofea and Hubby

Kepenatan Haizan tolong jaga Danish..maceh ye..

Sofea si bambam.

At KFC, Fields..for brunch.
From brunch at kfc, shopping at Fields' home..did laundry and off to the park. I'm tired now!
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