As promised with Sherry, today we meet up in Lyngby to go to the cake shop to survey when is the next available date for cake decoration course...and also to Wawa's place. Za and Kak Ros tag along the old saying..the more the merrier kan kan kan..

in the little princess in her buggy...wide awake through out the train ride..

Zahra cute!

Sofea playing..shouting..

Zahra playing...bongkar-ing

US..the ladies..Wawa, Kak Ros, Ibu, Za with Zahra, Sherry & Sufiya.
Thanks Wawa for the chicken rice..yum yum..the ayam madu paprika simply delicious. Till we meet again ladies..and don't forget our date on 17th April!!!!
PS-photo courtesy of Za..tq girl!
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