Received sms from Dila yesterday asking if i would like to join her to Wawa´s place macam2 tau je Dila ni..memang today my plan is to jalan2 at Lyngby with Sofea and nak drop by rumah Wawa. So today berjalan ke sana lah kami ni...

This is how i carry Sofea around..senang kan..tapi kalau lama sangat boleh sakit tulang belakang. hehehe..

3 weeks old Eilman Zulqarnain..handsome kan..

Lepas her lunch..letak jap bersuara jap..terus tertidur minah time to go home...
Tu je lah activity ku hari ni since today ibu have to fetch Danish earlier than other tak dapat nak merayap ke mana2 dahhh..
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