I decided to try Diana´s kek kukus buah-buahan recipe. Since it was my 1st time, I decided to try out ½ portion but somewhere along the way, I became confused. Things became out of control (with adik crying at the background) when I realised that I have added 1 portion of the gula hangus instead of ½. Opps!!!
Nak tak nak..kukus jugak for 4 hrs and waiting patiently for the outcome. Hubby tested and dia cakap “kenapa macam bukan kek kukus biasa tu”. Hehehee…ya lah my kek dah jadik macam kek gula hangus because banyak sangat sarang2 nya. Haizzzz..takpelah..can always try again ibu!!!
PS-This cake was supposed to be for todayz gathering.
i ges we're meant to only c it... but blessing also lynne...err, this one is for practice, next time can try again for next gathering ;P ~dw
Ya lor..for 1st try became kek gula hangus pulak. hehehe..next week wanna try again.
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