I have not been updating the blog for 2 months. June was a great month afterall. I passed my danish pd3 module 4 and soon after we headed home to Singapore for 3½ weeks. It was indeed a short trip but all worthwhile.
Photos are not in order...i will try to update the blog as frequent as possible. Insya'allah.

Waiting for our flight to Frankfurt. It was delayed for an hour but alhamdulillah all went well.

Danish and yayi went out together..

Met our wonderful friends for dinner at fish & co, Tampines.

Cousins playing together.

Yayi and his 2 grandson.

At Tampines 1..terkopak duit jap!
Too many photos to be uploaded..more photos in my fb. Insyallah will meet again with our beloved family kalau dipanjangkan umur dan dimurahkan rezeki.