November 30, 2009
Renjis renjis dipilis...ditepungilah tawar...hai beras kunyit ditabur..disiram si air mawar...
Duduk dua sejoli...diatas pelamin berseri...dihias intan baiduri...sebagai raja sehari..
Ceh steady lah ibu siap bernyanyi lagi gara2 Haizan & Aya bersanding lagi lah ni.hehehee. Alhamdulillah mereka telah melayari alam perkahwinan selama 10 tahun pada tanggal 27 November yang lalu. Happy Anniversary Haizan & Aya moga sinar kebahagiaan akan terpancar buat selamanya..amin.

Pengantin lama tapi wajah tetap berseri2 bak pengantin baru..haha

Alamak terselit pulak wajah2 puteri & putera kesayangan mereka.

Wedding Anniversary cake..yummy!!!

Ibu pun nak enter frame jugak..

The ladies...biasa lah tempat kami berbual2 di dapur. hahhaa..
Best sesekali berbual2 tak sedar pulak masa dah 10 malam..baru ingat nak balik rumah. hahaha..maklum lah kan pengantin pun nak rihat jugak..
November 29, 2009
Today we attended Saxonians Xmas party for kids. Danish had so much fun running around and towards the end of it he was completely exhausted. We left after we collected our Xmas gift.

Sempat berposing..

Believe it or not, he actually queued for the popcorn all by himself. Hubby was looking for him and spotted him queuing. Lol.

Nasib baik tak roboh...

Sing along with Santa..the funny part, dia masuk in the middle of the crowd. Joget2..haha.

Santa suruh duduk, dia pun duduk...betul2 belakang santa pulak tu. Takpelah asalkan dia happy kan..kan..kan..

Muka ibu yang kepenatan...apa tak penat for the past few days asyik merayap aje..hehhe takpe2 bukan selalu kan.

The Xmas gift..CUTE kan!!!!
Danish and Sofea slept even before we reached the carpark. Both kepenatan..kesian kesian..
Although someone accidentally blurted out that Sherry is planning to organise a surprise birthday lunch for me, at the end of the day i was really surprised. I didnt expect there would be a delicious cake with cream cheese icing, decorated with my fav pastel blue and pink.

My birthday cake...isn´t it beautiful and sweet. Thank u Sherry!!!

Thank you so much for celebrating with me & also for the lovely gift. I had a blast..
To the mastermind..K.Dewi & Sherry thank u for executed the surprise birthday lunch.
November 27, 2009

I am a year older and a year wiser. Being 35 and married with 2 adorable kids...I’m blessed. Alhamdulillah.
All i needed on my special day is to celebrate with my 3 darlings. A small celebration..
And yesterday I baked my own birthday cake (dah lama tak buat kek birthday ni). A simple chocolate cake with strawberry filling. As usual the decoration is not perfect.
To my family and friends...thank you so much for the kind wishes. ..muacks muacks muacks.
November 25, 2009

It was abit rushing preparing for dinner yesterday. In the train on my way home I kept thinking what to cook and finally decided on daging kicap and i just throw in mushroom and spring onions. Simple betul kan..tu lah sape suruh balik rumah lambat sangat. hehehe.
Sib baik lah Hubby & Danish tak cerewet..ape yg terhidang dia makan. Alhamdulillah.
Yesterday my morning walk with Sofea ended up in Holte. K.Dewi, Nafisa, Sherry and Sufiya was there too. We serang rumah puan Muna.

Us..oh my god...i really have to do something with myself and i have 3 months to really work things out. Stress..stress..stress..

Apple cake..delicious!!!

Ibu and Sofea..posing sekejap. You have such a beautiful home Muna.

Goreng prata..sempat berposing.
Great company great food. Thank you for having us Muna. Will see you again next week.
Cant wait for the performance by Sherry. Mesti best best best.
November 24, 2009

Thank you Hubby for the present. Ibu love it so much and i promise i will make full use of it. no more excuses for not exercising.

Made Rasberry tart yesterday night. The rasberry jam has been sitting in the fridge for months. Buat tart baru la terluak kalau tak langsung tak disentuh...hmmm
November 23, 2009

My morning walk with Sofea on Friday ended up in Hellerup. K.Dewi, Adila and myself gathered there to make epok2/karipap for the birthday party. Buat ramai2 best...sekejap je dah habis kan kan kan...
We were invited to Suffiya´s birthday party on Saturday. How time flies, Suffiya turns 3!!! Lets look at the few photos that i managed to snap.

what a gorgeous pink castle this is..envy u Sherry. You really have a magical touch.
(photo from kak. dewi´s FB. mintak halal eh kak.)

Family photo..

Danish eating the birthday cake...He really enjoyed himself on that day.

Some of the invited guest.

He was so happy when we sang the birthday song..siap clap hands lagi.
Now ibu´s turn to think of Danish´s birthday party. Just a small celebration..
November 20, 2009
She is definitely one happy baby. Always smiling when we call her name. Jom tengok her pics..

cheeky smile.

Her fav position now..

Trying hard to roll over..take it easy adik.
Sofea mini-milestones:-
¤ on stomach, lift head up 90 degrees,
¤ bring both hands together,
¤ smile spontaneously,
¤ turn in the direction of a voice.
"Babies touch the world with love."-- Author Unknown

Cian my little boy..nose bleeding pulak. When i reached vuggestue he was still playing with Jette and his friends. He seems happy je and suddeny he came to me pointing at his nose. Rupanya berdarah..sampai balik rumah pun still bleeding jugak. He cried when ibu trying to wipe it off..maybe sakit lah tu kan. Nape bleeding eh??? Must be the weather lah agaknya.

Still not in the mood to eat rice so we had Thai style kuey teow ladna for our dinner and pineapple yogurt cake as the dessert. best best..
November 19, 2009

Yesterdayz dinner..Spicy Taiwanese style Beef Noodle. Since i dont have any spring onions in stock, ibu ganti ngan brocoli just to add some green look.
Recipe taken from Mummy Asmah Laili, "Goodness Gracious Absolutely Delicious" cook book. Rating? Hmm..not bad actually.

Danish having his morning snack with his friends. Usually they will have cereals, yogurt, fruits, milk and etc. Ni kira feel up the tummy first before the morning outdoor activities.
November 18, 2009

We had ikan masak lemak cili api & sayur campur for dinner yesterday. Ibu made bubur pulut hitam for our dessert. Aya call cakap nak kasi keropok lekor..ishhh sedap tu..sib baik lah hubby still in the office and he agreed to amik kat rumah Aya.
Maceh Aya..
November 17, 2009
Yesterday after much thinking on what to cook, i finally decided to have briyani for dinner. Check2 in the cabinet jumpa 1 pkt Laziza Bombay briyani mix. Apa lagi terus kelentang kelentung in the kitchen.

our dinner-Nasi briyani, papadum, Laziza Bombay briyani ayam & arca.

The Nasi Briyani i used perencah briyani Seri Nurani that Emma gave me cuma i added blended onions, garlic & ginger je. Memandai aku ni. Apa2 pun janji sedap sudahhh...
Anyways sesapa tagu Camne nak masak kuzi??? Hmmm dah few months Emma gave me the kuzi powder. Ibu never try eating kuzi before so i dont even know how is the yang susah ni nak masak. Hmmmm kena check myresipi la camni.
November 16, 2009

Semalam lepas gi makan kat Angkara bersama2 Aya sekeluarga, kita gi terjah rumah Adila amik barang. Ibu kirim ubat2 for the kids, acuan tart gulung, sekaya, udang kering & ikan bilis. Tuan rumah kasi kopi kluang & murtabak Kg Melayu...rezeki2.
Thanks Dila sanggup angkutkan barang2 ku itu...
November 14, 2009
Yeah tengok adik wrestle abang dia..hahaha..huh baru 3 bulan.

Suka pulak dia tiarap atas abang dia. Si abang pulak tak kisah pun...pegang je adik dia takut adik dia jatuh. hehehe

Dinner yang paling simple sekali..hahahhaa..betul2 kes ibu malas to the max. Nasi goreng pun cuma letak ikan bilis. Lepas tu goreng ikan asin, keropok and makan with sambal belacan. hahhaa..takpelah janji kenyang sudah.
November 13, 2009
Jette said, “don’t forget to bring madpakke tomorrow and Monday”. So I prepared tuna egg sandwich, carrot, cucumber and banana for his lunch today. Simple aje..

Yang ni gambar semalam lepas balik sekolah..dia nampak pisang terus mintak..ibu banan..banan.. huh dia makan bukan satu sekali 2 habis. Lapar betul dia!!!
November 12, 2009

Since young I have always love reading thriller books and James Patterson is one of my fav author. And now I am reading different kind of books...yes books on babies & toddlers.
Well time to continue reading The Contented Toddler Years that I borrowed, from Sherry.

As promised to mama cookie, ibu managed to snap this photo yesterday. Mama, this is how ibu transport the 2 kids everyday to and fro Danish´s vuggestue. Sofea will be sleeping in her brio basket whereas Danish will stand on the easy rider and holding on to the stroller. Danish suka naik easy ride tu..konon dah abang2 lah kan tak duduk kat stroller lagi. Lol.
November 11, 2009
Isn’t it great to see how happy your sweetheart is? I am really glad that he is enjoying himself and always smiling.

Run Danish run...

My sweet little boy..


Always smiling..
"Stop trying to perfect your children, but keep trying to perfect your relationship with them." - Anonymous -